Starting 2022 with a “New Year, New Me” Mindset and setting Goals and Resolutions for the year, but have we all kept to them?
If you have stumbled on some of your goals or resolutions, don’t be too hard on yourself, now is the time to go back and re-evaluate. Whether you’ve set Resolutions or decided to set Goals, make sure they’re SMART goals. What do we mean by SMART?
Specific -
Make sure your goals are focused and identify tangible results. Without specifics, your goals run the risk of being too vague to achieve. Plan your Goals effectively with specific targets in mind.
Measurable -
You must have a clear definition of success. This will help you to evaluate your achievements as well as being able to track your progress and re-evaluate along the way.
Achievable -
Your goals should be challenging, but still reasonable to achieve. This component can reveal any potential obstacles that you may need to overcome in order to be successful.
Relevant -
It's about being real with yourself and making sure what you want to achieve works for you. Determine if this aligns with your values and if it is a priority focus for you. Ensure your goal serves a relevant purpose.
Time-Related -
Every goal needs a target date, something that motivates you to actually apply the focus and discipline needed to achieve it. Specify a deadline, monitor progress and re-evaluate.
Remember to write down your Goals, so you’re held accountable and keep them somewhere visible to ‘Keep your eye on the Prize’ so you’re constantly reminded of the Goals!
Here’s to a great 2022!