Eilish McColgan shares her Top Tips for Preparing for Race Day to help you make the most of your race day experience.
Race day is the culmination of weeks or even months of training, dedication and preparation. It can always feel a little nerve-wracking. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a first-time racer - no one is immune to the affects of the race day jitters! But the key to success lies in how you manage those nerves and planning ahead can really help you feel ready for when the race starts!
Early to Bed, Early to Rise:
The night before the race is not the time to burn the midnight oil. Ensure you get a good night's sleep - aiming for 7-9 hours to wake up feeling refreshed and energised.
Mindful Nutrition:
First thing in the morning, I start my day with a sachet of Zest Active by Revive Active. 25 Active ingredients to help sustain my energy levels and prepare me for the busy day ahead! For breakfast, I always have porridge with mixed berries and a banana, around 3 hours before the race. Fuelling your body with the right nutrients is crucial for race day success. Avoid trying new foods on race day to prevent any unexpected stomach issues!
Race-Day Gear Check:
Stick to what you know. Now isn't the time to start wearing those brand-new trainers or socks. Use the same kit you've been training in and what the body is accustomed to. The night before, I like to lay out my race-day outfit so that I'm ready to go in the morning! Double-check that your watch, headphones, phone etc are fully charged. It's also wise to pack an extra set of clothes, just in case of any unexpected weather changes.
Strategic Pacing:
One common mistake on race day is setting off too quickly. It's very easy to get carried away but resist the urge to follow the crowd and stick to your own race plan! It's often better to finish strong, rather than to start too quickly and exhaust yourself early in the race. You can always use your training runs as a guide to set a realistic goal pace.
Warm Up:
A warmup is essential to prepare your muscles for the race, so prioritise a proper warm-up routine, including a small jog, light stretches and a few faster stride outs. The last thing you want is to pull a muscle and waste all the hard work you've put together into training! I like to get my legs moving a little faster than race pace over 4x20second strides, before heading to the startline. Keep focussed on good form and get those legs prepped for racing!
Arrive Early:
Plan to arrive early in order to avoid the race day chaos, especially if it's a big event. Certain roads will be closed and the last thing you want is to be driving around for an hour trying to find a parking spot. Often public transport is the easiest way to the start of a larger race, so plan ahead and take some of the stress away. It's also important to familiarise yourself with the course map, locate start/finish lines and be aware of the nearest facilities. The Portaloos are always important to scout out beforehand!
Bonus Tip: Enjoy the Experience!
Remember, this is the fun part! All the training is behind you, so go out there and enjoy it. No matter the result, every race is an opportunity to learn and improve - so embrace the experience and enjoy your journey to the finish line.
Good luck and have a fantastic race day!
Read more of Eilish McColgan's Top Tips Below: